June 25, 2019
Jonathan (Jon) Oaks
Professor, Professor of Mathematics at Macomb Community College
Jon Oaks is a Korean American mathematician and statistician and earned his master’s degree from Oakland University. Jon is passionate about integrating technology, cultural awareness, and service-learning projects into his courses, so the content is more relevant for his students. Outside campus, Jon has been Midwest Regional Vice President of American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (AMATYC). Jon has won numerous grants and awards, including 2019 Teaching Excellence Award from National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD)
This fall, Jon is taking a sabbatical leave to travel to math museums around the world. He plans to take pictures and to collect artifacts that he can use in his teaching. His goal is to help ensure his students leave the classroom better equipped with the skills they need to advance in their future career.
Jon decided to join NAAAP because he wants to connect with other Asian American Professionals who are leaders in their fields. As a member of NAAAP, Jon hopes to inspire the next generation of Asian Americans to become great leaders. He believes in the importance of professional networking and is always striving to become a better leader.
If you’d like to connect with Jon, you can find him on Instagram @profseungchan or hopefully connect with him at an upcoming NAAAP event!
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