Julie Kwon Evans, Ph.D. in Health Psychology focused on the best practices to balance the mind, body, and spirit by customizing programming for physical activity, massage, and health coaching. Her treatment plans are designed to empower clients to live their best quality of life, while finding better wellness solutions to decrease repeat hospitalization. She is passionate to find better health outcomes for international immigrants as they assimilate to America. She specializes in preventative health and crises risk management in trauma and mental health issues, specifically who have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault.
Her public speaking events include University Of Michigan, Filipino Nurses Association, Korean Cultural Center by Friends Of Korea, VOICES, A subsidiary of the Family Justice Center, and Psychology Today.
Some of the successful programming and testimonials includes weight loss, “100 pounds in 100 days,” suicidal attempts, “Breathing Through Memories of Victimization”, and drug addiction, “One Step At A Time”.