June 25, 2019
Summer Fun Day – Let’s Play Pickleball! Cultivated Team Spirit
By NAAAP Detroit
On June 22, 2019, the National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP) Detroit Chapter hosted its inaugural Team Building event – Let’s Play Pickleball. It was held at Upton Park in Royal Oak, Michigan. Many members played pickleball for the first time. It was an experiential learning, team building, and networking activity. Our board director Dr. Sook Wilkinson and her friends Cathy and Sue coached members to learn pickleball quickly. The love for sports and enthusiasm for teaching and learning were contagious. The after-game poolside pizza party gave us a unique opportunity to connect in a serene setting.
Playing pickleball can cultivate a healthy competitive and team spirit. Almost everybody who participated expressed interest in playing again. Some even suggested that we make pickleball a NAAAP Detroit team sport and envisioned a pickleball tournament. We hope to see you on the court!
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