April 7, 2019
NAAAP Detroit Swings into Learn & Grow Session II: A Participative Brainstorming Workshop on Trending Topics for 2019
DETROIT, MI – On April 28, 2019, the National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP) Detroit Chapter will hold Session II Learn & Grow Series at the Plymouth District Library. In this Participative Brainstorming Workshop, members and guests will learn a widely applicable creative ideation process for identifying, developing, and evaluating ideas and opportunities, including career decisions. In the workshop we will conduct a live ideation session to identify topics of foremost interest and importance to our APA professionals and young adults, which will inform the program for the NAAAP Detroit 2019 Signature Event to be held in the fall. The workshop will be co-facilitated by David Han, Education & Career Development Chair, and Dr. Sook Wilkinson, Board Member.
This is in-keeping with our strategy of providing members with ample opportunity to interact, learn valuable tools, and practice skills to influence one another with their ideas. This event is complimentary to professional and student members, and future members are encouraged to attend.
Visit NAAAP Detroit www.naaapdetroit.org and www.naaapdetroit.org/event/190428-l-g/ for further information. Register online at https://naaapdet042819.eventbrite.sg.
NAAAP Detroit program events provide excellent opportunity to hone professional and leadership skills, and also meet professionals and employers in the Greater Detroit area. Also, through our umbrella national organization NAAAP.org, our members connect with the broader Asian American professionals’ network throughout North American via National Leadership Gatherings and interaction with the 33 Chapters.
NAAAP is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and leading organization in North America that cultivates and empowers Asian leaders through professional development, community service, and networking. NAAAP has a long tradition in the US and Canada, and there is dynamic energy and enthusiasm for the future of NAAAP Detroit Chapter. NAAAP Detroit Chapter encourages members and friends to join to provide and experience leadership and professional development programs and service experiences to grow personally and to contribute to the growth of others in NAAAP and where they work and live. Visit www.naaap.org and www.naaapdetroit.org for more information.
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